May 04, 2013

Afternoon with Ana

While in New York I was fortunate enough to catch up with some old friends- including my very oldest friend, Ana.  Ana and I became friends in the fifth grade when we both were cheerleaders together.  We've been friends through every embarrassing childhood phase imaginable. We started a band together in middle school (we even made music videos and signed photos- it doesn't matter if you can't sing or play instruments), built stuff in her dad's garage while blasting Nelly, and then made the harsh transition to black band t-shirts and a Slipknot/Slayer concert.  We even have a shocking number of exes in common (the perks of a small town). Despite our mutual inability to stay in contact from a distance, we always manage to pick up right where we left off.

the beautiful Ana!

Given the absolutely beautiful weather we were having, we were determined to spend the maximum amount of time outside possible.  At my dad's suggestion, we went to Aladdin's Natural Eatery for lunch.  It's right on the Erie Canal in Pittsford, and they have two stories of outdoor seating, so it's basically perfect for that one-in-a-million sunny day in Rochester.

They also have beer from my favorite brewery, so we were off to a good start.  I ordered the Highland Lager.  Rorbach's Brewing Company is a craft brewery based in Rochester, and started close to 20 years ago by a family friend.  I swear it's not that I'm biased, though- their beer just really is very good. In college I would buy growlers and bring them back to school with me so I could enjoy it during the school year.  I also full heartedly recommend their Scotch Ale.  I'm all about a nice heavy dark beer that isn't too hoppy or sweet so both those are right up my alley.

Rorbach's Highland Lager

We started our meal off with some hummus.  I have never been served such an insanely large portion of hummus- plenty for leftovers!

We both got salads for lunch- and probably could have split one since they were equally massive.

I had the Roman Salad- greens, apples, cucumbers, pita chip crunchies, and a citrus vinaigrette.  It was perfectly light and refreshing for a warm sunny day.

Ana's is a Mediterranean salad with roasted eggplant and goat cheese- plus grave leaves on the side.  Hers was equally as scrumptious.

I swear it is impossible for me to eat a salad daintily, so I rudely rejoice in others being equally as awkward.

After dropping off our leftovers in the car, we went out for a stroll on the canal- for my second but not last time during my brief stay in New York.  It was seriously to beautiful to not be outside!

photo by Ana Cretekos

photo by Ana Cretekos

photo by Ana Cretekos

 photo by Ana Cretekos

Ana started talking about how it was one of those moments when you just can't help but think about how lucky we are.  We're happy and healthy, we aren't too worried about money, and we have the ability t be outside enjoying this wonderful weather on a Wednesday afternoon.

 And then we came across this piece of graffiti.

Talk about a perfect day!

to be continued...

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